Seasonal Subscription

Seasonal Subscription

For clients who desire ongoing fashion assistance throughout the year, our virtual Seasonal Subscription provides regular style updates and recommendations.

Each season, your stylist will curate fresh looks based on the latest trends and your feedback.

From: $70.00 every 3 months

Product Description

The virtual Seasonal Subscription is the ultimate choice for clients who desire continuous fashion assistance and updated style recommendations throughout the year.

AB-FAB Designs is dedicated to keeping you at the forefront of fashion trends while respecting your unique taste.

Why You Need It

  1. The subscription spans four seasons, each accompanied by a virtual consultation with an expert stylist.
  2. During your seasonal consultations, your stylist will learn about your current style preferences and any changes you want to explore.
  3. By keeping an open line of communication, we can ensure each seasonal recommendation aligns with your evolving fashion needs.

Seasonal Subscription Includes

Virtual Consultation

You will receive 4 virtual consultations (one per season) with a professional fashion stylist.

  • Your stylist will curate ensembles that align with your lifestyle and preferences.
  • Each season, you receive personalized trend analysis to keep you informed of the latest fashion must-haves.
  • Inspiration for seasonal events, vacations, and everyday looks.
Personalized Seasonal Recommendations
  • Additionally, your subscription includes suggestions for refreshing your wardrobe each season.
  • Your stylist may recommend new pieces or accessories to elevate existing outfits and keep them current.
  • As a subscription member, you will have access to special discounts from partnering brands. Making it even easier to keep your wardrobe up-to-date and stylish.

The Seasonal Subscription is perfect for busy individuals who want to stay fashionable year-round without the stress of frequent shopping or style decision-making.

With our expert guidance and regular updates, you can confidently embrace your style identity and face each season with excitement!